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What is the best dog training method?


Dog training is a huge and unregulated industry and there are many different approaches to training dogs living in our human - oriented world.

There is also a difference of opinion when it comes to training dogs and which are the best methods.

Typically you have trainers who use both punishment and reward based methods, and you then have positive reinforcement trainers who use reward based methods.

Some popular methods used today include:

1. Positive reinforcement/reward based training -

Adding something good for the dog that they like in proximity to a behaviour, that results in an increased probability of the dog showing that behaviour in the future.

2. Positive punishment training/punishment based training -

Adding something bad for the dog that they don't like in proximity to a behaviour, that results in a decreased probability of the dog showing that behaviour in the future.

3. Force free training -

Using no force or punishment of your dog in your training.

4. Dominance based training -

This old fashioned outdated method has received criticism in recent years. It focuses on establishing the guardian as the "alpha" or dominant figure in the dog's eyes. It involves using punishment and physical corrections to assert control over the dog. However, modern dog training experts and behavioural scientists strongly discourage this approach as it can lead to negative consequences, an aggressive dog and harm the dog's trust in you, their welfare and well-being.

5. Scientific evidence based training -

This approach is based on scientific principles of learning and behaviour. It relies on using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviours and may also include negative punishment (removing rewards) for unwanted behaviours. Scientific training focuses on consistency, clear communication, and understanding canine behaviour.

The key to successful dog training is using methods that are humane, kind, and based on positive reinforcement (research shows this is the best method).

Punitive or dominance-based methods may create fear or anxiety in the dog, an increase in stress potentially leading to behavioural issues and a weakened bond between the guardian and their pet.

It's essential to consider the individual dog's personality, breed characteristics, and specific training needs when selecting a training method. Additionally, seeking the guidance of a qualified, professional dog trainer can be beneficial, as they can tailor the training approach to suit both the dog and the guardians preferences. You can do this by visiting

Remember that patience, consistency, and understanding are essential components of any successful dog training program.

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